JS Panel beating and Autobody.

About Us

Our Story

JS Panel beating and Autobody has been providing top-notch panel beating and car customization services since 2018. We are a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to making your vehicle look its best. Our commitment to excellence and attention to detail has earned us a reputation as one of the best panel beating and autobody shops in Alberton. With years of experience in the industry, we understand the importance of having a well-maintained car.

 That’s why we use only the latest tools and techniques to ensure that your vehicle receives the highest quality service. We take great pride in our work and strive for perfection with every job we do. At JS Panel beating and Autobody, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We value our clients’ trust in us and aim to exceed their expectations every time. Whether you need minor repairs or a complete car overhaul, our team is here to help. Trust us to restore your vehicle to its former glory or give it a unique touch with our customization services. 

With JS Panel beating and Autobody, you can confidently hit the road knowing that your car is in good hands. Contact us today for all your panel beating needs!

Who We Are


Looking for top-notch panel beating and car customization services? Look no further than JS Autobody and Panel Beating. With 7 years of experience, our expert team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality craftsmanship and exceptional service. Whether you need a minor repair or a full car customization, we’ve got you covered. Trust us to bring your vision to life and make your vehicle stand out from the crowd. Experience the difference with JS Autobody and Panel Beating today!

Key Services & Reasons

Choose us for our unmatched expertise, meticulous attention to detail, and commitment to delivering top-notch quality workmanship. Trust our skilled professionals to restore your vehicle to its former glory, ensuring that every repair is done with precision and care.

Statistics & Overview

Experience the artistry of panel beating and car customization like never before.

Years of experience
Vehicle Repaired
0 k
Company Workers
Satisfied Customers
0 %


We Provide Expert Car Service

Rev up your expectations with our expert car service. From routine maintenance to intricate repairs, we’ve got you covered. Trust our skilled technicians to keep your wheels running smoothly and safely on the road. Experience the difference that quality service can make for your vehicle. Drive with confidence, drive with us.


We Provide Expert Car